CAT - The effective use of computer aided teaching and learning materials in science teaching - a teacher training course with a European perspective
Projekt - Fak. 2 - Institut für Naturwissenschaften - Physik
Kurzinhalt:The project is co-ordinated by the group of the university of education in Heidelberg and the group in Schwäbisch Gmünd is one of the partners. A teacher-training course with a European dimension will be developed, adapted, and evaluated in this project. The authoring of the course will follow the latest results emerging from research and [vollständig anzeigen]
Ergebnis:A teacher training course with face-to-face meetings and distance learning parts. A handbook, website and CD-ROM for offline-use will be produced.
Projektdauer:01.10.2008 bis 30.09.2010
Prof. Dr. Erb, Roger (Leitung) [Profil]

Bernd Bühler, Thomas Jurke

In Zusammenarbeit mit:Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Universität Wien, University of Helsinki, University of Plovdiv, University of Patras, Institut national de recherche pédagogique
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Angehängte Dateien:
Erfasst von Prof. Dr. Roger Erb am 08.10.2010
Zuletzt geändert von Dr. Martina Schmette am 23.02.2018